Sunday, September 03, 2006

Chilean Copper Miners Win 25-Day Strike!

Chilean copper miners at Escondida, members of the oldest trade union in this Andean nation have won a contract that makes them the best paid miners in Latin America. They won a 5% wage increase, plus a $17,000 (USD) one-time bonus. They voted on a 40-month contract (3 years, 4 months). The wage gap has largely increased between Escondida miners and other mines, that will put into question what others miners will do. The class struggle never stops, and this is a victory for all Latin Americans!!

August 7, 2006: Over 2,000 miners and supporters marched to and around Escondida mine.

Miners block roads and entrances to the mine, and explain they demand overdue wage increase due to the large profits BHP-Billiton are making.

Thousands camped around the mine to defend from possible strikebreakers.
After 25-days, the Copper Miners Celebrate!


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